Snow Conditions in Alberta and British Columbia
Our Snow Conditions page brings you daily snow reports at Alberta and BC ski resorts—updated hourly—to help you score the best snow in Western Canada, delivering the latest 24 hour snowfall, 48 hour snowfall, 7 day, total and base snow pack.
From the chart below, you can follow the links to any ski area to learn more about individual resort conditions including weather, trail maps, terrain and resort info.
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Snow Conditions Last 24hrs
Snow Conditions for the last 24 hrs, as of Sat. Mar. 08/25 at 4 pm MST
*amount in centimeters
Snow Conditions Last 48hrs
Snow Conditions for the last 48 hrs, as of Sat. Mar. 08/25 at 4 pm MST
* *amount in centimeters
Snow Conditions Last 7 Days
Snow Conditions for the last 7 days, as of Sat. Mar. 08/25 at 4 pm MST
* *amount in centimeters
Snow Conditions packed base as of Sat. Mar. 08/25 at 4 pm MST
*amount in centimeters
Year to Date Snowfall
Snowfall year to date, as of Sat. Mar. 08/25 at 4 pm MST
*amount in centimeters