Ski resorts that look (nearly) skiable now

Yes it's pre-Labour Day. But we're already seeing snow in the mountains. Some of these Alberta and BC ski resorts have enough snow they look nearly skiable already! All the proof you need is from the banner image above, from Lake Louise morning of Aug 28.

Of course we know that it won't stick for a few weeks yet, but Mother Nature has sent us a clear message: ski season is around the corner.

Why that matters? The early stoke gets the shred. The sooner we get fired up, the sooner we'll be ready for skiing and snowboarding as the 2024-25 season approaches.

We've got some tips to help with pre-season prep, but first let's salivate over these supa fresh snow images.

Sunshine's snow ghost fatties

Those limbs are drooping! We're digging the weighty ghosts at Banff Sunshine (looking over into BC here, from the Divide).

Kicking Horse rounding up

A few cents sure make the 'Horse look purty.

Imagine waking up to this

Folks at Big White did. And no doubt they're daydreaming of skiing!

Across the ski socials

Who doesn't love the first snowfall of the season?

Here's a few more reports we're seeing across the Western Canada ski scene.

Apex first AND SECOND snowfall

Aug 24 saw Apex wake up to snow, then again on Aug 28. 

Who's ready is right

Nakiska nails it—you think it's a long ways away, but it's not that far off and this shows it.


Castle on the snow plot yardstick with decent numbers! (And yes, that's imperial for the young'uns out there.)

Caveat: nearly is the keyword

A reminder, while ski touring is one way to get at the snow early, resorts stay closed through pre-season for a reason—safety. Heavy equipment and crews are working now to get the hills ready. As new snow accumulates, avalanche risks will also be a concern. Remember to stay off the slopes until the resorts deem them safe and ready to go.

Get your pre-season on

That said: it's nearly time to shred. Less than three months until the season opens. 

Let's help you get on it, so when the ropes drop, you're there.

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