Early snow in Lake Louise, Rockies cues snow stoke
above: top of Paradise chair, Lake Louise Ski Resort, Sept 6, 2023 13:21 MST
Right now is better than Christmas for me… that time where every few days, more presents show up, the epic of snow alerts pops back up into my feed!
Snow is back in the mountains friends, for what really is the first of the season. Check out this post of the Lake Louise view right now from the top of Paradise.
Meanwhile, back in Banff
Another avid snow seeker spotted trace atop the local peaks early on Sept 7...
Sure, there was this epic that showed up mid-June, right when I was getting comfortable with that friend who had left on the April train knowing you won’t see them for another six months. So that snow storm in mid-June, helped surf the vibe of winter through this summer.
And here we are September 2023—are you ready?
Here are a few ways to get ready to slay this season, from us.
Say “F*ck it to the world and take a season off”...join the snow life and go work at a ski hill or resort this season.
2) Score your deal now
Not scoring your free pass from being on the team? Then buy your pass this September, like right now…your local hill offers stellar pre-season pass deals that are on now. Once you have your pass you are committed to the season, yes you know it will be worth it… time on the slopes is always worth it.
3) Do a gear check in
How you looking this season? Time for those new boots perhaps? Think now and watch for upcoming pre-season sales at your local ski and shred shop.
4) Make your road trip plans, now
What better a way to build some stoke for the season, by rounding up the mates around the slopes you’ll hit this season! This is the time of year to score deals here as well.
Think snow... the season is coming! We're T-60 odd days...
Here is more support with the list of projected opening dates for your faves!
More to come
SnowSeekers e-news subscribers: stay tuned for an update from the Farmer’s Almanac to what we shredders can expect.
Not a subscriber yet? Now is your time to click into all the snow epic we'll ship your way. Studies have shown, the more snow time means a wider perma-grin all season long.
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Let’s get it!!! We’re stoked around here at SnowSeekers, this season is our 15th year in keeping you connected to the POW… keep SnowSeekers in on your social posts this season by including the hashtag #snowseekers so we can possibly feature you.
Let’s goo...cheers to making this season the best season you’ve ever had.
The time is NOW! #morecowbell
Stay stoked on snow
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