Best of ski season 2021-22 in photos, part 2
Still with us? Awesome! We'll roll back in. For those just joining in here, we're counting down the best of ski season 2021-22 in SnowSeekers photos. For photos 10 - 5, you can check that out here.
Let's resume our countdown in progress.
4. Snow, sun, snowmobile stoke
Okay, it's not all about skiing and snowboarding, right? When we're not going downhill, we're keen to dig into other winter activities. Here's a little side adventure from last year's #SkiNorthAB tour, and a teaser to what's ahead for our #sledthetriangle expedition, coming up early in 2023.
3. We all steeze for snow steeze
Yeah, who doesn't love a buttery slide? But more to the point, Nitehawk Year-Round Adventure Park in Grande Prairie has earned a special place in our hearts, for showing what true resilience looks like after a landslide took out the hill's main chairlift in 2020. Read the full story.
2. Sending it in Revy
As our resident Doc Pow (re)learned on his most recent visit to Revelstoke, befriending the locals sets you up for the epic. Here's to friends on powder days!
1. Together we ski
With all that's passed these last couple years, we are reminded of the potential of our sport as a way to bring people together. It's a sport with soul, with endless opportunity for bonding and connecting, whether to one another or to nature.
The story behind the moment frozen in our top photo of 2021-22 speaks silent volumes:
Two snowboarders on a chairlift ascend Misery Mountain above Peace River. Behind them, a quiet northern community slumbers. In framing snow and humans above a miniature town, the image casts humanity and our outsized impacts against a bigger backdrop.
We are still dwarfed by the nature around us. Strapping on your skis or snowboard is a way to recall us to our place, as tiny humans together in a much bigger place we call home.
As we forge into 2022-23, the cosmic joke continues to unfold. Let's all have a laugh, and a ski, together.
That's our year in review. We hope you found some moments that made you smile, laugh or get stoked for your next adventure. Winter 2022-23 is just into full swing and there is lots more to come, including a new photo contest we'll be launching in early January.
Perhaps in the coming year, yours will be one of the photos featured in this space! Stay tuned for details coming soon.
Meantime, keep the stoke flowing with more seasonal goodness.
Get into 2022-23
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